Questions that often arise regarding our exchanging service. If you could not find an answer to your question, please contact us.
Signing up is optional, but if you do, you will benefit from our discounts and also can apply to our referral program.
You will need to select currencies, specify the amount and then fill the provided fields. Then click the button 'Exchange' and follow the instructions. If any questions arise, you can always contact the support using chat form.
Для совершения обмена Вам необходимо выбрать направление обмена, указать желаемую сумму, заполнить обязательные поля. Далее нажать кнопку «Обменять» и следовать дальнейшим инструкциям. Если у Вас возникнут вопросы касательно обмена, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с поддержкой через чат онлайн-помощи.
Invite users by providing your referral link that you can view in your cabinet after signing up. You will be rewarded with percent from service profit per operation. Percentage can be increased by inviting more users.
You get the 0.05% discount for signing up. With each exchange performed, your discount is increased.
All cryptocurrency exchange operations are processed after 1 confirmation in the blockchain.
When transaction is performed, it is sent to cryptocurrency network and must be included in block to be considered done. 'Confirmation' means that transaction is included into new block.
Confirming the transaction may take longer time if network sees more activity. We understand that such delays can be worrying, so we recommend to specify priority fee when sending your funds to avoid such situations.
If your order processment was halted due to incorrect payment details, don't worry - we will reach out to you to solve the issue and then proceed with delivering your funds.Please be extra careful when entering the details. In some cases if funds are to be transferred to wrong destination, it cannot be recovered.
Yes. Reach to us with chat form to discuss exchange details.